Sadly most folks think that when they get to a certain age they have to slow their pace greatly or even stop doing things that they love altogether. While it is true that you might not get around as fast as a 21 year old, you can still get plenty done. Whether it is volunteering or even going back to work you need to do the things that make you happy. The biggest thing that seems to hold us back from doing what we want is our way of thinking. But you have to change your attitude about staying active. The benefits are not only a productive life but an enjoyable one too.
What do you get out of staying active?
They are pretty much the same things that make being active at any age a good idea. If it is exercise then the benefits are tremendous, stronger muscles and a stronger heart will make it easier to do things around the house and also help to prevent illnesses. Plus if you exercise with other folks the company that they provide will also be enjoyable. Taking a bike ride or a walk with others is added benefit to exercise.
Maybe you want to go back to work on a part time or even full time not only would you earn money but that would definitely keep you active. If you are a little more ambitious think about starting a small business!
Helping others is always a worthy cause at any age and there are plenty of places that you can volunteer. What is also great about volunteering is that you will probably meet other folks around the same age as you. Check with the AARP site for information on volunteering.
For a happy and healthy life remember to stay active.