What causes neck pain?

A pain in the neck is a pain in the neck. And it's a pain that is hard to forget about whether you are awake or trying to sleep. Even the least amount of movement is painful. It can become a real problem when you have chronic neck pain.

Basically neck pain is caused by overuse and injury to the neck muscles
  • Cervical strain is caused by the strain of muscles of ligament of the cervical spine.
  • Over stretching be may one of the causes. Car accidents and sports activities also contribute to cervical strain.
  •  When the cartilage is worn out in the neck and there is degeneration of the cervical spine the condition is called Cervical spondylitis.
  •  Facet joints are small joints that support the weight and stress in the neck. When these joints are inflamed it's called Cervical facet syndrome.
  •  Whiplash is one of the most common types of neck pain. This occurs when the spine is stretched.

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